Friday, September 26, 2008


When I was a young boy their was a man in the neighborhood whom we would call Nonc Cro'bare' (Nonc is french for uncle and Cro'bare' is pronounced-crow bare').
Whenever we would get stung by wasp (and that was pretty often because we stayed outside from dawn to dusk) Nonc Cro'bare' would help ease the pain of the sting by what I thought was pure magic when I was a child. He would wet some tobbaco and place a wad of it on the sting and man oh man would that help cher'. No more pain.
Those old Cajuns knew some tricks ya. Poor old Nonc Cro'bare' is not with us here anymore as he has done moved on and is pushing up daises, but I will never forget him. I am sure if them old wasp are flying around in heaven and stinging them angels he is putting some of that old tobacco juice on the sting. Merci beaucoup Nonc Cro'bare'.

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